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The Autonomy Paradox

The Autonomy Paradox

Q Review slide #13. It introduces the concept of the “Autonomy Paradox”. How would you explain this phenomenon? In other words, companies are offering various benefits to help “make life easier” for employees, but what might be a side effect of offering these work-life practices?

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The autonomy paradox means that the professionals use mobile email devices to get their work done and expect the autonomy of control and performance of work. Several Scholars have defined the workplace's autonomy as the ability to exercise a degree of control over the content location and performance of activities. One never gets satisfaction when doing a job as there is no particular structure of work hours. One of the disadvantages of this benefit is that the employees start to expect benefits all the time. It is the benefit that is not on the performances of employees but is given to improve the effectiveness of employees' performances.